hmm done some random research on pokemon yea.
let's start with the origin of probably one of the most well-known pokemons around, pichu...
1. Pichu is prone to sudden electric outbursts, especially when frightened. hmm. so i guess i'll just huggg the soft toy version instead of worrying about melting my eyeballs. xD
2. Celebi appeals to me because of its colour(: and its head resembles an onion. in general it reminds me about myself xD my favourite colour and then my favourite hairstyle when i was barely three years old. execpt it has too small a mouth, unlike me x) btw. its. genderless x)
3. Vulpix. I like this one. very suave pokemon i should say. since young i thought it looked pretty smart. nice groomed fur. innocent eyes. awwww. not sure which animal it resembles actually. i like wolves and dogs and the vulpix seems related to them ;D
4. eevee. reminds me of vulpix. but i prefer vulpix because it looks more... confident and independent.
hmm thats all. i know its. not exhaustive. ahahas
but i'll post again maybe.
look out (: